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1. Who is an EL student?

Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English can be considered English Learners (ELs).

To identify if a student is an EL:

  • The school should provide a Home Language Survey (HLS) to all parents as part of the registration process.

  • If a language other than English is listed on the HLS, the student should be given an English Language Proficiency Screener within 30 days of enrollment. The screener will determine if the student is proficient in English.

  • If the student is not proficient in English, parents should receive a notification letter from the school/LEA that indicates the student’s EL status. This student will be identified as EL until s/he exits the program.

Reference the EL Identification Flowchart for an overview of the process of identifying a student as EL.


2. A student did not score proficient on the screener and is considered EL. What do we do next?

Within 30 days of a student registering, the school must assess and inform the student’s parent/guardian(s) of the details of the program in which the student is, or will be participating, as described in Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). A sample parental notification form can be found in the English Learner Library .

3. Do EL students take state assessments?

  • All EL students must take the appropriate state assessments for their enrolled grade and shall take the ELPT annually.
  • EL students may qualify for accommodations, provided they are used in students’ regular classroom instruction and assessments. 

4. Are there funds and/or other resources available to assist with EL services?

  • If a school system meets eligibility requirements, they may qualify for Title III funding. Title III funding is a federal grant used to improve student achievement among students who are learning English as a second language. More information can be found in the or at LDOE Federal Grants document.
  • Title I funds may be used for instructional programs, materials, supplies, and activities required for serving EL students.
  • Additional resources to assist with provision of EL services: 

For more information about EL and/or Title III funding, contact Melanie Mayeux at the Louisiana Department of Education: